Strange Goings on in Milford, TX

While wandering from Waco to Dallas the other day, something I haven’t done in some time, I came upon a strange site on the West side of I-35 E about 12 miles north of the split of I-35 in Hillsboro. See for yourself what I saw in the middle of a pasture.

Strange tower in a pasture

When I first saw this I was sure the alien invasion was imminent or that the mind control rays were real or something Lovecraftian was lurking in Central Texas.

However, as is often the case, truth was almost as strange as fiction. It turns out that this tower belongs to Viziv Technologies, LLC (mind control, I know, or cover company for deep government — something, or a vast cult). Viziv it turns out is a local company, based in Waxahachie, that is testing the potential use of something called a Zenneck Surface Wave to wirelessly transmit electrical energy.

If this sounds like Nikola Tesla’s experiments at Wardenclyffe, you are certainly in the ballpark, the similarities are certainly not lost on me.

Nikola Telsa’s Wardenclyffe Tower

Viziv’s website has some interesting, if not really clarifying things to say about what they are doing. It includes a paper presented by their Chief Technology Officer, Randall Jean, PhD (an engineering professor at Baylor University). They also rent space in the Baylor Research and Innovation Collaborative (BRIC) here in Waco.