Posting to Self Hosted WordPress in Mac

So you bought a Mac and you love it but are dismayed that the software for posting to your self hosted WordPress Blog is so darned expensive. Fear not, I have a reasonable alternative that works mostly like an application.

The alternative is the built in WP editor in its own Safari window with an application icon in the dock. The trick is an Apple Script saved as an application that opens the WP editor in its own window and a custom WP icon.

First the script.

Open the Apple Script editor and create the following script substituting the url for the url to your post-new script on you WordPress Blog.

tell application "Safari"
	make new document at end of documents with properties {URL:""}
end tell

Compile the script and save it as an application to a directory of your choice.  Change the icon to a WordPress Icon, here is a link to a nice WordPress icon you can use.  Last drag icon to your launcher or to the applications folder for easy access.  When you launch the application it will open a new Safari browser window ready for you to write a blog post in.