According to this thread on the Baylor Fans Message Board, John F. Baugh, Chairman Emeritus of Cisco Foods and a major contributor to the University and other Baptist causes, has called for the Board of Regents to hold an open meeting to discuss the lack of confidence many Baylor stakeholders feel towards the current administration.
Quoth Baugh,”In recognition of our highly precarious situation, and the fact that timely decisions are of the utmost importance, I am asking that the Board of Regents dedicate the July 2004 meeting to an open discussion of the issues which confront all of us who love Baylor and who want her to continue in an unfettered fashion in service to our fellowman to the glory of God.”
I’m not sure a full public airing of all of our differences is the right way to go. The family feud in Farrell Center certainly did nothing to improve harmony or increase confidence in the administration.
No what’s needed now is a quiet and private firing of Dr. Sloan and several other of the senior administratiors, including Provost Jeffery, and then some good old behind the scenes fence mending and apology making. A lot of people have made mistakes during the Sloan administration and we are going to need some of them to help repair the University. It will not do to publicly humiliate major donors and supporters any more that it was a good thing to sue a major donor.
That having been said, after Sloan is gone (the sooner the better) some things do need to be done publicly. For starters the Board of Regents needs to be reconstituted and include some elected representatives from the Alumni, facutly and perhaps even a token student. There need to be public discussions about how to we get out of the financial hole we have dug and about a vision for the University all of its supporters can share.